Esports News

Uncharted 4 will make Nathan’s return something challenging

We really hope it isn’t like what we’re thinking, but apparently Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is going to have an ending that’ll make it hard for Nathan Drake to come back again, and that’s why it’ll be his last game.

In a talk with Neil Druckmann Naughty Dog’s co-director, he spoke about the game’s events and how Nathan’s return afterwards will be very hard for the studio to do after the credits of 4 roll.

Druckmann said that finishing the series this early was a hard choice, but the studio wanted the story to finish on a high note.

“He’s at the height of his popularity, so it’s not a good business decision. But I feel like the best way to honour him is to go out on top, to finish his story,” he told the paper, pointing out that Sony owns the brand and future iterations are still up in the air.

“But with the end of this story, it will be really hard to do a sequel with Nathan Drake,” he added, before hinting that a prequel or a new lead could be in the series’ future.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End releases finally April 26 on the PS4.

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Sam Edge

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