Esports News

US Army is recruiting gamers to join its eSports team

New units from the US Army will be deployed into .. Video Games? Despite how strange the news may seem, it is official. The US Army wants to enter the world of esports


In an attempt to get closer to the youth of today and encourage them to enlist, the US military seems to have begun to form its own team of competitive video game players to represent it in future tournaments and raise awareness about joining the military. A new “Ask Me Anything” thread on Reddit has seen a representative of the military invite active members, reserve soldiers and veterans to join the team.

However, those who are not in the service can also register via a separate link. The team’s tasks will not only be limited to competing in known games, but will extend to include beta testing of military apps and simulations that train soldiers.

This is not the first time we see an official authority entering the world of esports. We saw Air Force joining the list of sponsors for the famous Cloud9 team earlier this year, but its role was limited only to promotion and support, while the US Army team is the first for players to represent

The US Army has a special relationship with video game developers and publishers, as we recall the time when strategy games publisher Slitherine developed a special version of Command Modern Air / Naval Opertions to be used in simulated army training, along with the army having its own series of official games called America’s Army.

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Sam Edge

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