Video Games News

Victory Royale: Sony is now allowing crossplay with Xbox, other Consoles

A long-awaited dream of gamers all over the world seems to be happening soon, and only a game of Fortnite size could break the curse and bring the worlds of consoles together under one umbrella. The crossplatform play has become a reality, and here are the details


Sony has been under fire for the past few months because of its refusal of allowing Fortnite accounts made on PS4 to work on any other device, which came to light after the Nintendo Switch version got released. The Japanese giant faced a lot of criticism from players who re-opened the “crossplay” file, a long awaited feature that Sony never got behind, making playing between Xbox and PlayStation impossible.. Until now.

It is about to change very soon, thanks to Fortnite and its popular Battle Royale mode. Sony revealed that it has launched a testing program starting today to test the possibility of crossplay. If achieved it, will allow players on PS4, Switch, Xbox One, PC and mobile devices to play together. Sony had so far only introduced the ability to play with PC version of some games in the past, but now we’re speaking every console out there that has Fortnite installed.

This means that you can use your personal account for Epic Games free-to-Play game on any device around you, which includes sharing all your purchases, Skins, and game progress. At the same time, it seems that the developer is working on a way to combine accounts together, which will allow users of multiple devices to merge all their purchases into one account they can play from anywhere. The date of the update is currently set in November.

Sony’s new direction is a sharp turning point. Sony Interactive Entertainment America chief Shawn Layden has said that doing something similar will “affect a lot more than just one game,” pointing out that a game-sharing system may breach Sony’s strict online gaming policies. Apparently, the massive negative reaction was more than enough to make the company reconsider.

Further details will be shared later on the open testing process according to Sony, as well as talks about whether the crossplay system with other platforms will continue in other titles in the future. Hopefully this means that Rocket League will also be available for crossplay, which was another game fans were disappointed that Sony did not allow crossplay on. Even though the developers of Psyonix said they were ready to do it and that it would take a “push of a button” awaiting Sony’s approval.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

لاعب شغوف يحب تجربة كافة أنواع الألعاب ومتابع لأخبارها ونواحيها المختلفة. ليست لديه أدنى مشكلة في العودة للعب بعض الألعاب الكلاسيكية القديمة بين الحين والآخر كونه مايزال يظن بأن ذلك كان العصر الذهبي للألعاب.

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