Video Games News

Apex Legends is finally getting Solo mode, but in one condition

After EA alluded to the arrival of one of the most sought-after features of Apex Legends few days ago, Respawn Entertainment’s development team officially announced it: Solo Mode is finally coming to the Battle Royale game after a long wait.

Fans have requested the said mode since the launch of the game, and it will now come as part of the new Iron Crown Collection event, which will kick off on August 13, bringing in a number of new Skins for Bangalore, Bloodhound, Lifeline and Mirage characters. Solo Mode will give players a chance to play without worrying about their teammates. However, it may not be the one we wished for.

According to the tweet that announced the upcoming Solo mode, it won’t necessary become a stable in the game unlike what we wanted, and will be presented as a temporary event (Limited Time Mode LTM) similar to other Battle Royale games such as Fortnite.

Fortunately, one Respawn representative spoke to Reddit, confirming that Solo has the potential to return in the future and stay in the game if things go well convincing developers to keep it. This may be due to the fear of dividing the player base in a way that does not allow enough matches for everyone across multiple modes.

You can follow the official game account on Twitter to stay informed of the new event details, and you can also see the new leaked skins below:

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Sam Edge

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