Video Games News

Apex Legends Season 3 finally confirms Crypto and an additional weapon

Although the upcoming Apex Legends characters are considered some of the worst kept secrets with ten of them leaking a few months ago, we now have our first official look at Crypto, who Respawn Entertainment has teased since the beginning of its BR’s second season



Perhaps one of Apex Legends’s biggest problems used to be lack of content months after its launch, but thanks to the successful second season, a number of diverse events and now the new third season, there’s no doubt that the fans are currently satisfied with the state of the game, which will enter its new season the beginning of October.

The new season, called Meltdown, will bring with it a new playable character as promised by the developers. This time the role has come to Crypto, a technical character specialized in hacking  and espionage while staying “calm, cool and collected” using his drones to stay on the battlefield and out of sight at the same time.

If you’ve played Apex over the past few days, you’ve definitely seen a glimpse of Crypto in the lab, where he shows up for a few seconds before running away. Thanks to the new story trailer, you will now be able to see what led to this incident in the new character’s backstory:

As for the other big change in the new season, a new “Charge Rifle” weapon has been unveiled, which may be familiar to Titanfall players. It is unclear if the new weapon’s shooting will be similar to the original game, but we know it will be a Level 4 weapon dedicated to air drops just as Kraber and L-Star.

موسم ابيكس ليجندز الجديد كريبتو رياضة الكترونية ألعاب Apex Legends season 3 Crypto charge rifle ranked

With the launch of Season 3 Meltdown we will also get new Battle Pass content with 100 different levels of rewards including Legendary Skins, Apex Packs and other premium content just like Season 2. Not only that, Respawn Entertainment will also distribute prizes to Ranked players according to their level. Bronze, Silver and Gold will receive a small pendant attached to their weapons that vary by rank, while Platinum, Diamond and Apex Predator will receive additional prizes including personalized air trails when jumping from the ship.

Speaking of the classification, the “Ranked Series 2” will be launched with the new season on the first of October, and will follow the system of the first series in its rankings with minor differences in the cost of games for each level according to the table below. It is worth mentioning that you will notice a slight decrease in your previous level with the start of the new season, such as going back from Gold 2 to Silver 4.

  • Bronze matches are free
  • Silver matches cost 12RP
  • Gold matches cost 24RP
  • Platinum matches cost 36RP
  • Diamond matches cost 48RP
  • Apex Predator matches cost 60RP

“Overall, we’re really happy with how the introduction of Ranked Leagues has worked out, and we’re excited for what we can learn and adjust as this second wave gets out to players,” Devs said through official EA website.

There is no information yet on the download size of the new update, but it seems that it will not make significant changes to the game map, so it may not exceed 4 GB when it lands on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 October 1.

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Sam Edge

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