Video Games News

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 officially revealed by Activision

Few weeks after rumors began spinning about a new Black Ops title, Activision finally confirmed that Treyarch are indeed working on a new game for the beloved sub-series titled Black Ops IIII


The awkwardly designed logo (replacing Roman Numeric IV with made-up IIII) is our first glimpse into this new game, which is said to be on its way for this year’s release confirmed by a surprise Twitch stream by the developers. It will be interesting to see how fans will react if the franchise is returning once more to the jetback action of previous installments after the outrage caused by Infinite Warfare couple of years ago.

We don’t know any of that yet, as the company remained tight-lipped about any information indicating that we’ll get a full reveal in May 17. One thing we do know is that the game is releasing in October, which is the first time since the very first Call of Duty that a new title is released in any month other than November, leading us to speculate about the reason of this change.

One possibility is that Activision is simply being cautious not to intersect with Red Dead Redemption 2 release, the highly-awaited Rockstar game. Having in mind that GTA V managed to sell millions of copies and made $1 Billion in 3 days, it’s no wonder any company would want to avoid releasing in that time frame.

The war between Call of Duty and Battlefield will be interesting, though. As the latter is having a new game releasing this year as well which has been rumored for a while, taking place in World War 2 period and perhaps a continuation to the highly-regarded Bad Company sub series.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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