Video Games News

New Erangel remaster in the works for the classic PUBG map

PUBG Corp seems to have some plans to revive the map that ignited the Battle Royale genre around the world two years ago, and they may bring it back to being the favorite map of both casual and professional players


It started with leaks from the players’ exploration of the game files to find signs that the development team was starting a “remaster” of its own for the famous Erangel map. Today, PUBG Corp officially spoke about the matter through an official blog post.

“As some of you inferred from some recent leaks of a map image, we are working on new ways to balance loot and otherwise improve our maps, Erangel being the first,” the team said on the official PUBG blog. “The addition of compounds is just one way we’re testing internally, but is certainly not the ONLY way.”

The main objective of the rework on Erangel is to bring it back to being a favorite pick for players, as many choose not to play on it due to being the poorest among the four maps in terms of the distribution of weapons and loot, making the experience unfair in many occasions and boring to some extent. Of course, increasing the number of compounds with good equipment on the map may be positive in the fight against that, but the map itself will see a number of modifications as well to make the experience more enjoyable.

الرياضة الإلكترونية بابجي خريطة ايرانجل ريماستر pubg erangel new loot compounds

The most notable modifications will be graphical improvements following the footsteps of the snowy Vikendi map, which is undoubtedly the best looking PUBG map in terms of dazzling visual effects and lighting. The team seems to be working to bring some effects here, too, while preserving the overall layout of the map with a new coating of paint, so that players do not lose their knowledge of the map entirely.

The new improvements on the map will be carried out in through the Test Server, to ensure the quality of the enhancements and not to negatively affect the gaming experience, especially with the introduction of a large number of new buildings around the map. It will then be transferred to the official servers after working with players to reach the best the desired results.

”We’re excited for you to see the full picture, along with the level of thought and work the team have been putting into remastering this fundamental map. More importantly, we’re excited to test it alongside you. Your feedback will be crucial in making Erangel as fun and exciting in the current PUBG environment as it was when we first launched.”

Changes will come to the PC platform (Steam) in the beginning, and then to the other platforms. You can start downloading the game test server to try out the enhanced map process as they develop it, or wait for the next update to come.

The latest update to the game has added the Flare Gun fully to the game maps, and some other improvements, which you can see the details here.

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Sam Edge

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