Video Games News

No more loud shooting at the start of PUBG matches and more changes in upcoming patch

Are you tired from having to mute your sound just because it’s so darn loud at the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds lobbies? Then you’ll like what’s changing in the next patch

In an effort to improve the performance of the servers, PUBG Corp. is removing weapons from the spawn island entirely in a new update on the game’s test server. Players will also spawn in multiple areas, too, instead of one condensed spot.

“Through the last patch, we were able to improve server and client performance by adjusting the visible distance while the character is in the air,” said the developers. “In the current patch we are spreading out the pre-match starting locations. Previously, all the players would spawn together at the same location awaiting the start of the match. Lots of interaction among multiple players in such a small area had a high impact on the servers. To solve this, we have introduced multiple areas where players gather before the match start. As a result, the performance, both server and client-side, has improved.”

Spreading out players on the starting island and removing guns should make the game run a bit better on PC. PUBG Corp. also said it would be testing a new anti-cheat measure that is still under development, but it’s necessary to gather data regarding its stability and compatibility. Because of this, some PC’s may experience issues during the test, which could lead to crashes. Once the changes on the test server are stable, they will be applied to the live servers along with the blue circle changes. The date and time for the update will be announced later.

In other related news, it looks like PUBG Corp are doing good on their promise with them handing over $2 million of loot boxes sales to charity organization, just as they said they would back in August when they first introduced the Gamescom crates. Good on you, Bluehole.


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Sam Edge

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