Esports NewsLeague of Legends

Paris Saint-Germain gives up on League of Legends for now, YellOwStaR leaves the organization

Despite the popular French football club’s confidence in Esports, it looks like the poor performance of the League of Legends squad got the best of it. The team is now officially disbanded, and the organization is taking some time off LoL competitions.

As a result of the Challenger team failing to reach the EU LCS despite given chances, the organization has decided to suspend activities in League of Legends until further notice. Fnatic support legend Bora “YellOwStaR” Kim is also departing the PSG organization after one year of serving as the head of eSports division, where he helped PSG put together its FIFA, League of Legends, and Rocket League teams.

This won’t mean withdrawing from League of Legends forever for PSG, as the organization made it clear in the announcement that this break will be temporary until some stuff become clearer for the future.

YellOwStaR retired from professional play last year and joined PSG after failing to help Fnatic reach the 2016 World Championship. We don’t know where he’ll go next, and whether or not would he consider coming back to be a pro player just like what EnVyUs ex-CEO “ppd” did last week by joining OpTic Gaming Dota 2 roster. Best of luck to the French legend in his future endeavors.

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Sam Edge

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