Video Games News

Robots and more surprises hit Fortnite with its 10th Season

The 10th season of popular Battle Royale Fortnite was launched this morning after several leaks, the latest of which was the leaked trailer yesterday, which was officially revealed today announcing the start of the new season of the most popular multiplayer game ever.

When you watch the trailer above, you will notice many sudden changes that will be made to the map of the game tracing back to the fourth season when the meteor came to destroy Dusty Depot. Time is of great importance here in season 10, where some kind of imbalance seems to have happened and the map will continue to change because of it.

This principle will be translated in game with “Rift Zones”, which are areas that show pieces of the past such as Dusty Depot but are not exactly as you remember them, and we will let you discover all those areas and see them for yourself.

Another major change in Fortnite’s tenth season is the introduction of the B.R.U.T.E mechanism to the game, which is a big robot that can be controlled by two players, one driving and one shooting. These vehicles have several capabilities, including Dash, Super Jump and more, armed with Shotgun rifles, rocket launchers and a special shield.

Arena Mode is also getting a new season update, with a new standardized scoring structure with 10 divisions, with Solo and Trio modes. There are also new features for Battle Pass content, and the missions will have objectives that give you more XP, different cosmetics and Battle Stars.

On the other hand, we’ll have to temporarily let go of some items again, with Ballers, Air Strike, Mounted Turret and Tac AR going to the Vault. The reason for this according to Epic Games is to make Season X have a slightly slower rhythm.

You can see all the new changes through the official update notes here. You can start downloading the new update now from your PC and home consoles.

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Sam Edge

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