Video Games News

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Battle Royale mode may be going after Fortnite and Apex

Although the development studio has nor confirmed or denied the existence of a Battle Royale mode in this year’s Call of Duty, new reports suggest that this may be due to the fact that the new Modern Warfare BR mode will follow a different release strategy placing it against both Fortnite and Apex Legends




The thing that will distinguish Call of Duty: Modern Warfare BR from last year’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout is that it is completely free to play, according to new reports coming from the well-known leaker LongSensation, who was the first to leak the title of this year’s edition of Call of Duty.

According to a tweet he posted on his Twitter account, the multiplayer Battle Royale mode will also be present in Modern Warfare but it will come at a later time unlike Blackout, which was part of the Black Ops 4 package. With that, we’ll be seeing a new name joining the f2p Battle Royale games list currently dominated by Fortnite and Apex Legends, with the free version of PUBG being only on smartphones.

The new move comes after discussions conducted by Activision internally on the move to the free play market, which Fortnite has proven to be overwhelmingly successful compared to traditional methods of profit. If that is true, it may be good news for many players who just want to try the Battle Royale mode without buying the whole game. According to “LongSensation,” the Battle Royale mode will be connected to the core game in terms of gameplay, meaning we can expect a realistic Battle Royale this time based on the strengths of the classic Call of Duty gameplay away from future Blackout gadgets.

The new leaks inevitably coincide with what Infinite Ward has talked about with its current focus on “core gameplay components” for the upcoming launch of Modern Warfare, leaving the window open for another mode later. This comes after the developers announced to continue to support the game with new content beyond the release completely free without the presence of a Season Pass this year.

We will wait for the official Activision confirmation of these reports, until then there is still much to be excited about from the officially confirmed multiplayer modes introduced last week.


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Sam Edge

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